Monday, 6 December 2010

Day 6 of the Marcothon

So far I have managed a run every day in December. The snow has been deep at times and the weather cold but there has been lots of sunshine so running has been a joy. Friday was grey and cold but I still managed the best part of 6 miles.
However, day 6 of the Marcothon was quite different. Early morning rain in Glasgow froze into ice on the roads but turned to heavy snow at 09:00. Buses, lorries and vans slid all over the roads. By 12:00 and a thaw had set in. So we had slush and wet snow on ice. I decided to do a hill session in the Clyde pedestrian tunnel. I ran there to find it closed and so ended up doing 4 miles in the park with cold wet feet!
Ominously I finished my run as blue skies moved in from the North West. I foresee frost and total chaos on the roads tonight and tomorrow morning.

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Marcothon day one.

The day was beautiful. Clear blue sky and warm sunshine. Unfortunately the air temperature of -3°C and the occasional flurries of snow meant that the first day of the Marcothon challenge was ... well .... a challenge. Rather than do the minimum required distance of 3 miles (or 25 minutes) I opted to do my 4.5 mile run through Victoria Park and up to Hyndland and back via Great Western Road and then down the Victoria Park Nature Walk. It is a good mix of quiet off road running together with pavement running. Nowhere had the snow been made into ice and so it really wasn't slippery. In fact is was a most enjoyable run. I'm ready for the next 30 days!

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Preparing from the 2010 Marcothon.

Foolishly (I think) I have signed up to the Marcothon. Last year a Garscube Harrier, Marco, decided to run at least 3 miles every day in November and Debbie posted a challenge on Facebook. He completed the task as did many who took up the challenge. This year the challenge went out to do a Marcothon in December. The weather has made the start of the Marcothon a bit harder than I expected and so I went out today to try the underfoot conditions. It could have been called a warm-up, but I didn't. However my basic, just over 3 mile, run was perfectly possible and so I plan to use this run whenever the weather is bad or .............
It was a bit harder than I thought. Where the snow hadn't been walked on it was over 10cm deep and that means high knees!
Looking forward to the start of the Marcothon tomorrow.